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Version: On-Premise 2.1

Common Advanced Module Settings

Some module settings that are rarely used can only be changed directly in the Resolve DB. A subset of these settings are common between all modules; they are explained in the current article. Modules can also have advanced settings specific to them; see the respective module's documentation for a list.

Changing an Advanced Setting

Use this procedure to change a module setting in the DB:

To change an advanced module setting:

  1. Open the Resolve SQL database.
  2. Open the dbo.Modules table.
  3. Find the row that corresponds to the module that you are configuring.
    The module name is kept in the Mname column.
  4. In the Params column, configure the setting:
    • If the setting already exists in the column, change the value following the equals sign:
    • If the setting does not appear in the column, append the setting to the existing value.
      For example:
      loglevel=1 logsdirectory=Logs lognumberofdaystopreserve=14 dateformat=us
      loglevel=1 logsdirectory=Logs lognumberofdaystopreserve=14 dateformat=us maxthreads=5

List of Common Advanced Module Settings

These are the advanced settings that you can change for all modules:

  • loglevel—Select how verbose you want the module-related log messages to be. Level 1 is the least verbose while 3 is the most verbose. This is the same setting as the module's Configuration Options > Log Level UI setting. Default value: 1.
  • logsdirectory—The folder where the module's log will be written, relative to the module's installation folder (C:\Program Files\Resolve\<Module Name> by default). Default value: Logs.
  • lognumberofdaystopreserve—Log files are rotated daily. This setting determines the maximum number of log files to be kept at any single time. Default value: 14.
  • dateformat—The localization code determining the date/time format that is used in the log file for timestamps. Default value: us.
  • maxthreads—Maximum number of threads that the module can use to process queries. A new thread is dispatched for each new query if there is a free thread count remaining. After the maximum thread count is reached, new queries will have to wait in the queue. Default value: 5.
  • Smtpout—Sets the Actions Express pulling interval (in seconds) from the module's alert queue. Default value: 10.